
Our mission is to bring about holistic transformation to children at risk by offering biblical hope, life and healing that begins with the gospel.


In December of 2007, we met one child with HIV who was left at the government orphanage. All we knew about her was that her mother had just passed away from AIDS. We decided to name her Jeevit, the Khmer word for life, not realizing how much God would do through this encounter as he developed a future ministry with that name in 2010.

The story of Jeevits life highlighted to us an unreached people group of children that were devalued and abandoned. The original mission was to give children with HIV/AIDS an opportunity for holistic healthy life. We saw that in Battambang there were many children with similar stories to “Jeevit.” Now, God has given us the opportunity to not only work with children having HIV/AIDS, but also children that are in high risk and vulnerable situations.


  1. SERVE FAMILIES through rice day events and home visits.
  2. EDUCATE CHILDREN through quality curriculum at private school and learning workshops on our YWAM campus.
  3. DEVELOP FAITH through 1 on 1 discipleship and bible studies.

Child sponsorship Program Includes:

  • 20 kg of rice
  • School tuition to private school
  • School and athletic clothes
  • Bicycle
  • Medical costs

Child sponsorship costs $60USD/month.

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