School Of Missions Overview

Reach the Least, the Last, and the Lost. The School of Missions will equip you with the Biblical principles and practical experience to succeed long-term in missions among the unreached. We spend time on topics such us Church Planting, Community Development, and Strategic Missions Thinking to provide a biblical foundation to engage communities. We trust you will gain a clear sense of personal calling in the bigger picture of what God is already doing amount the unreached!

Upcoming Schools

SOM 2020: T.B.A.


Country A = $2000

Country B = $1000

Country C = $500


  • Week 1: Biblical Basis & History of Missions
  • Week 2: Church Planting
  • Week 3: Strategic Missions Thinking
  • Week 4: Pioneering
  • Week 5: Team Building
  • Week 6: “Jesus Sent Them Out”
  • Week 7: Community Development
  • Week 8: Worldview
  • Week 9: Working Cross Culturally
  • Week 10: Research for Transformation
  • Week 11: 7 Spheres & Spiritual Warfare
  • Week 12: Mobilisation
Seal of University of the Nations

University of the Nations

This YWAM School of Missions (CHR 235) is a University of the Nations registered course. Twelve (12) semester equivalent credits will be earned upon successful completion of the course. These credits may be applied to a U of N degree program or transferred to other participating colleges or universities. A successfully completed YWAM-DTS is a prerequisite to all other UofN training schools, degree programs and working long-term with YWAM.